Photo by - Endevourme
- Dido
Posted by Junius 16 comments
Posted by Junius 18 comments
Photo by - Endevourme
Then I went up the river, there i saw a temple.
The river was flooded and the temple was in water.
Above the water I could only see the bell.
I asked the river, What happened?,
She said,
When you are happy, the sun shines bright.
When you are sad, tears rain down the earth.
And you were so sad...
You have to understand,that you are important
and how you feel does make a difference.
if the sun shines too bright, earth will be a desert,
and if it rains too heavy, there will be a flood.
It is the balance and it is the change, that keeps going the circle of life.
I asked the bell, why are you here, when my GOD is in water?
She said,I am not just a bell, but I am your faith.
You have to hold me high,
so that the world has to drown, before drowning your faith...
Posted by Junius 10 comments
Photo by - Endevourme
I saw a lizard,
it came from the desert,
I asked, "What are you doing here in the lush greens?"
He said,
I am an omen sent for you,
I am here to tell you this,
"Nothing lasts forever, nothing is permanent.
Change is life and change is the way
So dont be afraid, even these days will go...
Even in desert there exists an oasis,
and even in lush greens a mind can be deserted...
....and even the desert was once the sea..."
Posted by Junius 14 comments